What Your Insurance Policy Says About Your Love Life

Insurance Nerd Day is here (July 18th!)

Did you know that the types of insurance you choose to carry can say a lot about you? In fact, your insurance choices can even shed some light on your love life.

Think about it: the choices you make speak to larger truths about who you are. And the choices you make about insurance say a lot.

Ready to find out what your insurance policy says about your love life? Check out the quiz below!

Take the quiz!

Dedicated pet owners unite

What Your Insurance Policy Says About Your Love Life - Dedicated pet owners unite

Your fur baby’s welfare is top priority. Pet insurance premiums are a permanent fixture in your budget because you’ll never take a chance on Fido’s health.

When you buy pet insurance, you ensure that your dog (or cat) is protected in the future. You can rest easy knowing that, should the unthinkable happen, you won’t have to choose between your pet’s health and your pockets.

With your furry best friend clearly being part of the family, you’ll likely meet your future partner when you’re out and about with your pet. Keep your eyes peeled at the dog park–that cutie tossing the Frisbee could be your perfect match.

Barebones insurance policyholder

What Your Insurance Policy Says About Your Love Life - Barebones insurance policyholder

A risk-taker to your core, you choose to go barebones on your insurance policies.

While a limited insurance policy could lead to a big bill later on, for now it means that you have more money to spend on the adventure you crave. Besides, there’s just something about taking chances that gets your blood pumping.

Speaking of chances, odds are your soulmate is a fellow thrill-seeker. You might’ve snagged that skydiving Groupon looking for an adrenaline rush, but you could find love instead.

Responsible business owners attract

What Your Insurance Policy Says About Your Love Life - Responsible business owners attract

Beyond the traditional types of insurance, responsible small business owners take coverage to the next level with business insurance. After all, you’ve taken the time to build an empire. The last thing you want to do is leave it unprotected.

Based on your robust general liability and E&O policies, you need someone who understands the challenge and reward of entrepreneurship.

Don’t be afraid to flash a few smiles at the next SBOs’ bruncheon. You just might find a partner in business and in life.

Health-conscious insurance users

What Your Insurance Policy Says About Your Love Life - Health-conscious insurance users

Health insurance is a critical piece of a stable financial future. With that, most people find a way to get some type of health insurance.

However, not everyone chooses to take full advantage of their health insurance policy. But you, on the other hand, see your health insurance as part of a preventative health plan.

You get your gym membership reimbursement every month and have routine screenings scheduled a year in advance. You have nightmares about high cholesterol and chug green smoothies for breakfast.

And your ideal SO is the same way. Get ready for a meet-cute in the organic produce section.

Adventurers with travel insurance

What Your Insurance Policy Says About Your Love Life - Adventurers with travel insurance

As a frequent traveler, you know that your trips don’t always happen as planned. That’s why you bank on travel insurance.

Whether you lose your luggage or encounter a medical emergency during your trip, travel insurance will be there to soften the financial blow.

And who knows? You might just happen upon your future partner at baggage claim. After all, you never know what life may throw your way during a trip, including who you’ll meet along the journey.

Breadwinners with life insurance

What Your Insurance Policy Says About Your Love Life - Breadwinners with life insurance

As the breadwinner, you’re able to provide a wonderful life for your family. You take action to ensure they have everything they need. But you worry about what could happen if you weren’t around for your loved ones. That’s when life insurance comes into play.

If you are a life insurance policyholder, you’ve likely already met the partner of your dreams. As you build a life together, life insurance is a tool that you can use to provide financial peace of mind along the way.


Is the inner insurance nerd inside of you ignited in celebration of the holiday? Take this opportunity to review your insurance needs, cause you never know where your insurance choices might lead.

And Happy Insurance Nerd Day!

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