What pet insurance covers dental?

Pets are like your children, and just as you would ensure your little one’s oral health, you can’t ignore your pet’s dental health either.

Admittedly, dental issues can be costly for pets as they are for humans. That’s one crucial reason for getting a pet insurance plan covering every dental illness or accident.

So, if you’re planning to get the best pet insurance for dogs and cats, welcome to the perfect guide for all pet owners. Below we mention all you must know about pet dental insurance when buying a pet insurance policy.

Though, before we delve deeper, let’s first discuss the vital million-dollar question: whether your pet insurance coverage can include dental care or not.

Can pet insurance plans cover dental care?

Typically, pet insurance companies don’t consider coverage for dental illnesses or a dental disease as a standard clause. Therefore, if you want accident and illness coverage, you have to buy the special pet insurance explicitly designed for dental coverage.

Or, you can do your research and contact a pet insurance company offering dental coverage as a preliminary to all pet owners. Pet insurance providers like Healthy Paws understand the significance of dental cleanings and how painful gum disease can be if not prevented- or treated- at the right time.

Whatever insurance plan you opt for, you need to check the kind of dental coverage. For instance, some pet dental insurance plans may include dental injuries, while some like Health Paws can cover extensive treatments like tooth extractions.

In addition, one pet insurance plan may cover the dental issues of pets under three years of age. In contrast, other pet insurance plans might cover dental treatment only if your pet received its annual dental exam within the previous 13 months. Therefore, you must check all these clauses before getting an insurance plan covering your pet’s dental hygiene.

We’re not exaggerating when we claim that it’s always safer and more rewarding to look for your pet’s dental insurance coverage. If you need more convincing, let’s head on to understand the benefits of buying coverage for pet dental care.

Why get dental insurance for your pet?

One of the top benefits of having pet health insurance with dental coverage is safety. You can have a peaceful state of mind because you can stay ready for dental issues in dogs like gingivitis and periodontal disease. Additionally, you never know when your pet might require a tooth extraction or treatment for periodontal disease.

Furthermore, cats’ dental accident and illness coverage include preventive dental care for deciduous teeth and routine teeth cleanings. These covered expenses ensure your adorable pet cat ages healthily.

Thus, having insurance to cover gum disease and your pet’s overall oral health is blissfully assuring and pocket-friendly. That’s vital, considering even preventive care and tooth cleaning can put quite a dent in your bank accounts otherwise.

What does pet dental coverage include?

Dental insurance coverage can vary, primarily depending on what American pet insurance company you get the insurance policy from. Usually, there are two categories for a pet’s dental health insurance: dental accidents and illnesses.

While some insurance firms may offer protection against accidents, others may cover dental illness only. And if you contact to get an insurance policy including both dental services, you can expect reimbursements for dental treatments for:

  • Gum disease
  • Root canals
  • Crowns
  • Damaged teeth
  • Gingivitis
  • Stomatitis
  • Tooth extractions

Dental procedures your pet insurance may not cover

While pet insurance for dental health can be quite comprehensive, insurance providers like Lemonade and other credible firms often don’t cover every dental disease or problem. Some general exclusions include:

  • Pre-existing conditions occurring before your pet insurance plan even started
  • Orthodontic, cosmetic, or endodontic dental treatments like fillings and implants
  • Regular treatments like routine teeth cleanings and routine dental care

Here’s a disclaimer:

Pet owners often consider getting pet oral care insurance to get reimbursements for tasks like routine dental cleanings. Some individuals even aim to get compensated for their pet’s dental illness with pre-existing conditions.

However, you must understand that pet insurance cover primarily includes injury and illness coverage to save you from expensive treatments. But routine dental cleaning is your responsibility as a pet owner.

While periodontal disease is unexpected and can happen for several reasons, cosmetic surgeries are a luxury, and pet teeth cleaning is your job. Ignoring teeth cleaning shows a lack of responsibility.

Poor dental health can lead to painful dental illnesses like gum diseases and eventually any periodontal disease, damaging your pet’s tissues and bones.

Because now, it’s not a matter of regular dental cleaning but gum issues, some pet owners think they can get reimbursed for this dental disease. But it’s not always the case. Insurance providers like Lemonade assess your pet’s dental claims and evaluate past treatments and health conditions before accepting and compensating for your claims.

Tips for managing your pet’s dental problems like a pro

Although having pet dental care insurance means reimbursement for costly dental disease, saving you from piling healthcare debts.

It’s still preferable to keep the costs low by incorporating effective medical care for your pets.

The tips below will help you manage your pet’s dental problems like a pro and keep their smile healthy and shining.

1. Feed them a dental diet

There are specially formulated foods that can help reduce tartar and plaque buildup on your pet’s teeth. These diets usually have ingredients that are abrasive enough to scrub away at the build-up while also containing ingredients that fight bacteria and support overall dental health.

2. Schedule regular checkups and cleanings

Regular checkups with your vet are necessary to keep an eye on your pet’s dental health. Your vet will be able to spot any developing problems, such as tartar buildup or gum inflammation, early on so that they can be treated promptly before they become more severe.

3. Brush their teeth at home

Brushing your pet’s teeth is one of the most effective ways to keep their smile healthy and clean. You can purchase toothpaste specifically formulated for pets, or you can use a small amount of human toothpaste on your finger to gently rub their teeth and gums.

4. Give them dental treats

There are a variety of dental treats available that can help reduce tartar buildup and promote overall dental health. These treats usually have ingredients that fight bacteria and support healthy gums.

5. Use water additives

Water additives are designed to help reduce plaque and tartar buildup on your pet’s teeth. Simply add the recommended amount to their water bowl and let them drink as usual.

Proceeding with your pet’s dental claims against accidents and illnesses

Buying your pet’s oral insurance policy isn’t a smooth sail. Problems arise when you don’t skim through the insurance coverage and face hassles at the time of claim settlement. Therefore, as you sign up for the insurance, be sure to ask the firm about three essential questions:

  • if your policy covers both dental injury and illness or any one of them
  • if you will have to pay more when making a claim
  • if there are additional limits apart from the veterinary fees

That helps you assess when and if applying for a claim is beneficial and when you’re more likely to get reimbursed.

Usually, there aren’t special instructions for filing an oral health insurance claim. But some policies may ask your pet to fulfill minimum age or dental examination requirements. Therefore, it’s better to clarify these potential limitations beforehand.

Pet insurance claims are almost like human health insurance claims. You can pay for the vet bills and submit the claim form with the attached relevant documents. And then receive the reimbursed amount for covered expenses by your insurance provider.

Or, you can check if your insurance provider pays to vets directly once your claim is approved. But for that, you’ll first need to check if the vets accept this form of payment or not.


Managing your pet’s oral routine is as important as ensuring its physical health. Of course, brushing your pet’s teeth every day doesn’t mean complete protection from dental illnesses or untimely accidents. And if you fear the high vet bills for such treatments, having pet insurance with dental coverage is even more vital for you.

Hopefully, the information mentioned above managed to clarify your concerns regarding pet insurance and dental coverage. What are you waiting for now? Research the dental policies of pet insurance companies and choose the one that offers coverage for both- oral health illnesses and accidents.

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