Insurance is one of those things that most people don’t think about until they have to use it. Then, when you do need it, you’re thankful that it’s there.
Insurance protects you and your family from the financial burden of an unexpected event such as a health issue or home fire. Here are five types of insurance every adult should consider:
Health insurance

Health insurance is a type of insurance that covers the cost of medical treatment and hospitalization. It can also help you pay for medical expenses not covered by your regular health plan.
Health insurance is different from disability insurance, which covers you if you are unable to work because of an illness or injury. If you don’t have health insurance, consult your employer or other organization that provides coverage through your job (such as joining a union), or contact the government’s Affordable Care Act website (
Life Insurance

Life insurance is used to protect your family in the event of your death. It can be used to pay off debts, such as a mortgage or student loans, or it can fund any number of other expenses that might come up in the event of your death.
For example, if you’re paying for college tuition for one or more children and have life insurance on yourself, the money from this policy could help offset some of those costs.
Life insurance is also important because it allows parents who are no longer able to work due to injury or illness to provide for their families without having them go into debt by having their bills paid by third parties (like medical providers).
Disability Insurance

If you’re like most people, disability insurance is probably not at the top of your list of priorities. But it’s important to have, as it can replace up to 60% of your income if you are unable to work because of an injury or illness.
You might think that disability insurance is just for people who work at dangerous jobs, but even if you’re a computer programmer or an accountant there’s a chance that something unexpected could happen and render you incapable of working for months or years at a time.
If your employer offers disability coverage through their benefits package and you’re lucky enough to be covered under this plan, then great! Take advantage of it as soon as possible. Otherwise, don’t worry too much about where exactly your policy comes from: if it’s affordable (and there are plenty available), buy one today!
Read more about; Disability Insurance
Homeowners Insurance

Homeowners insurance is one of the most important types of coverage you can have, but it’s also one of the most misunderstood. A homeowner’s policy covers your house and its belongings against certain perils, including fire and lightning damage, windstorm/hail damage, and theft.
Homeowner’s policies come in two flavors: HO-1 (named-peril) or HO-2 (all risks). The former provides coverage only for specific losses such as fire or theft—you’re not covered if your roof caves in during a hurricane because that’s not a “named peril.” An all-risk policy, on the other hand, covers everything from earthquakes to vandalism; however, it will cost more than its named-peril counterpart.
Auto Insurance

Auto insurance is the most common type of insurance in the country. Auto insurance protects you and your vehicle against damage and injury. It also provides liability coverage if you are responsible for injuring someone else or damaging their property.
Auto insurance covers three types of losses: bodily injury to others, which includes medical costs, lost wages, pain, and suffering; property damage to another person’s car or other property; and sometimes even theft of your own car (if it’s not properly covered by something like comprehensive).
Most states require drivers to have some level of auto insurance as part of their driving privileges.
So, there you have it! Five insurance policies that everyone should have. I hope this article has been helpful and that you can now go out and get the insurance you need for yourself and your family.