The Average Cost of Life Insurance by Age

It’s a common misconception that life insurance is only something you need when you get older. But the truth is, having life insurance can be valuable at any age, even when you’re still young and healthy. If you were to unexpectedly pass away, life insurance ensures that your loved ones are financially supported and are … Read more

4 Steps To Cover The Gap In Your Health Insurance

Life hardly ever goes according to plan. While it’d be nice if we were all able to take the easy path and get the best results, that usually isn’t the case. One particularly frustrating area of life is health insurance. Health insurance is important because an unexpected health emergency could easily bankrupt someone without health insurance. At the … Read more

How Does Marijuana Use Affect Your Life Insurance Rates

In recent years, the public perception of marijuana use has shifted dramatically. Marijuana use is commonplace and the surge of states legalizing marijuana around the country grows with each election year. This map of marijuana legality by state gives you updated information for the state that you’re living in or hoping, perhaps, to move to … Read more

6 ways to save on auto insurance in 2023

With rent and inflation high — and Dollar Tree charging $1.25 for a single Sharpie —you’re probably looking for ways to save money in 2023 without giving up your lifestyle. Thankfully, one of the fastest and easiest ways to save a few hundred bucks this year is to get smart with your auto insurance. From … Read more