At What Age Do Car Insurance Rates Go Down?

It seems to be one of those cosmic realities of life that the younger you are the more you’ll pay for car insurance. Unfortunately, that’s not just a perception either. Age is one of the most important factors in determining car insurance premiums. Exactly how much you’ll pay will largely be affected by your age … Read more

10 Life Insurance Mistakes To Avoid

Most people don’t get a formal education in how to buy life insurance or even think about it much, so it’s easy to make some errors when finally getting a policy. These mistakes might not be totally devastating, but they can cost you a lot of money and hassle, and in extreme cases, they’ll result … Read more

10 Questions To Ask When Shopping For Car Insurance

Most of us have what would be best termed as “basic knowledge” of car insurance procedures and practices. That doesn’t help much when it comes time to shop for a new policy. Before you do, you should be ready with questions that help cover the finer points of a policy. The idea isn’t to get the best policy possible, or … Read more

What Obamacare Means for 20-somethings

No doubt you’ve been hearing about all the ruckus surrounding the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare. As of October 1, many Americans have the option of purchasing individual health insurance  for the upcoming year at By March 31, 2014, the government is expecting you to have health insurance, even if you’re not working, barely … Read more

Do You Need Short-Term Disability Insurance?

Short-term disability insurance is one of those benefits that we think of as being on the second tier of the menu. Most people are primarily concerned with the Big Two of employee benefits – health insurance and retirement. But if you’ve never paid attention to it before, find out exactly what kind of disability insurance … Read more

See Clearly: How To Save On Vision Care

Healthy eyes are essential—so is vision care. Even if your eyes appear to be doing well, your annual eye exam is key to preventive care. Diseases affecting vision, like glaucoma and macular degeneration, are much more treatable if caught early. An eye exam can also screen for other conditions where early detection is a lifesaver, … Read more