(THE BANK OF THE FREE) Kuda Bank or rather Kudimoney, is s digital lending and purposeful lending platform. Started in London before operations extended to Africa, Nigeria to be precise. It was established in 2016 as a joint enterprise by Mustapha Musty and Babs Ogundeyi. Rather than being a commercial bank Kuda Bank is a … Read more

Is Identity Theft Insurance Worth It?

Identity theft is when someone uses your personal information — like your home address, date of birth, credit cards, or bank account details — to take out a bank loan, withdraw money from your bank account, use your credit cards, or open up new credit cards in your name. The FTC received 1.4 million complaints of identity … Read more

The 7 Cheapest Life Insurance Companies

A life insurance policy protects your loved ones in the event something happens to you. You’ll pay monthly premiums in exchange for peace of mind. But, as with any insurance, the price you pay depends on the company you choose. You can often get the same quality of coverage for much cheaper if you just … Read more

The Best Condo Insurance Companies

Many condo owners believe that their condo association insurance master plan takes care of everything – including their condo unit and personal liability coverage if your condo at some point becomes inhabitable. After all, you pay good money in HOA fees, why wouldn’t it? Well, think again.  Yes, your condo association might have a master … Read more

8 Ways To Lower Your Auto Insurance Premium

It costs $9,282 a year to own and operate the average automobile, according to 2019 data from AAA. Given that automobile expenses are such a high—and often overlooked—expense, it’s well worth the time and effort to try to reduce them as much as possible. Although you may not be able to shorten your commute or trade … Read more

Long-Term Care Insurance – Should You Invest Now While You’re Young?

With the vast advances in medical research made over the last few decades, seniors are expected to live much longer than their parents did. For millennials, that difference could increase even further. If current projections are any indication, living to 100 could be commonplace for millennials and future generations. Sounds great, right? Not necessarily. When … Read more

Is Dental Insurance Worth It?

Getting insurance seems like a no-brainer. Medical insurance, more often than not, saves you money in the short and long term. If your monthly premium is high, you’ll pay a lower deductible, and vice versa. Dental insurance works a little differently. There are pros and cons to purchasing a dental policy, either from your employer … Read more